To learn more about each ministry, click on the title of each.
The ministry of Children Altar Server is open to families that are members of St. Joseph Catholic church and have children completing 4th grade and older. The child must have celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.
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The Adult Altar Server ministry is comprised of adults young and old who wish to serve the mass by ministering on the altar at masses. Adult servers minister at the 7:15 Sunday mass and other masses as needed during the year. Servers are often asked to serve for funerals and special masses where a more mature skill is needed. Student servers that wish to continue to serve the altar after their school years have passed are also part of the Adult server program. Adults servers must be baptized, received first communion, confirmed, and members of St. Joseph.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact: Dan Harris ([email protected] or 847-722-5345)
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Children's Liturgy of the Word is an opportunity for children in Grades PK-2 to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in an age-appropriate way. Adults, junior high and high school students share in the leadership roles for this children's liturgy. A planning team prepares the liturgical content and service for each session.
For more information on this ministry, please contact: Amanda McDonagh ([email protected]) or Kelly Krueger ([email protected])
This Ministry strives to create a visual and artistic environment that encourages and stimulates the participation of the worshipping community in the celebration of the Liturgy. It consists of people who combine their love for the church with their willingness to share their gifts to provide a prayerful environment for our parish community planning and preparing the worship space for the liturgical season.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact: Judy Dioszegi ([email protected])
This ministry brings seasonally appropriate music to our weekend liturgies, and invites us to participate more fully through hymns, songs and sung prayer. Our Song Leaders, Adult Choirs, Youth Choir, and Hand Bell Choir provide us with inspiring voices and instrumentalists each week along with the assembly-choir, to sing a joyful song unto the Lord. Our Resurrection Choir adds comforting vocal support to our Funeral Liturgies. A love of God, love of music, singing, playing an instrument, and leading others to God through music at worship are the most important qualifications.
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The Welcoming Ministry fosters a prayerful, welcoming, and safe worship experience for parishioners as well as visitors when they are in our worship spaces. Welcome Ministers are the "hosts", the face of Christ and of the Parish for those who enter our worship spaces. They evangelize through the way they welcome, engage, and build a community of faith.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact: Ron Paulson ([email protected])
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Those who serve in this ministry proclaim the Word of God at daily and Sunday (weekend) liturgies. The Proclaimer (“Lector”) Ministry is open to those who have completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation). Proclaimers should have a love for Sacred Scripture and a desire to help the community hear and understand God’s Word through their proclamation. Initial training is provided as well as refresher and renewal opportunities.
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For more information on this ministry, please contact: Joe Poell ([email protected]) or Kristie Webb-Williams ([email protected]), or Joyce McGuiggan ([email protected])
The Sacristan Ministry is a ministry in which faithful followers can deepen their Mass experience. Most of the service of this ministry occurs before and after the Mass Liturgy. Before Mass, the Sacristan ensures all items pertaining to the Holy Eucharist and Precious Blood are set up and sets the books per the Liturgy plan. The Sacristan works with the Greeter Captain and Eucharistic Minister Captain to ensure there is appropriate minister coverage. Additionally, they will assist the Presider, Deacon and Altar Servers with any requests or questions. After Mass, the Sacristan purifies the sacred vessels. The ministry is open to all members of the community who have completed the Sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation). Each new Sacristan will receive an overview and training for this position as well as several weeks of shadowing an experienced Sacristan during Mass. Those who answer this call and accept this responsibility need to have a Spiritual attitude of reverence for the Body and Blood of Christ.
For more information, please contact: Anne DeFranco ([email protected] or 847-863-9714) or Jim Lobus: ([email protected] or 708-309-5790)